Décès de Robert Anthony Merson (1950-2016)
Tony (R.A.S.) Merson est décédé le 24 décembre 2016 à l’âge de 66 ans. Les membres les plus anciens de la SFN se souviennent de lui comme faisant partie du petit groupe de collectionneurs britanniques qui furent de fidèles participants aux Journées Numismatiques dans les années 1970, 1980 et 1990. Son nom restera également attaché à de nombreux articles dans le BSFN. Tony était comptable de profession, mais collectionneur dans l’âme. Ses collections étaient très variées. Les monnaies françaises médiévales lui tenaient à coeur. Il aimait débusquer les bonnes affaires hors des réseaux habituels, et ses grandes connaissances lui valurent de faire de belles découvertes. Mais il ne s’arrêtait pas là et ses recherches aboutirent régulièrement à des articles bien documentés. Pour n’en citer qu’un seul, sa contribution à la discussion sur les divisionnaires du gros tournois (publié dans The Gros Tournois, Oxford 1997) reste une référence. Son ami Robert Thompson prépare actuellement sa bibliographie.
Bibliographie de T. Merson
MERSON , Robert Anthony (Tony), b. 22 May 1950; d. 24 Dec. 2016; FCA; BNS 1970+, silver membership medal 1998; RNS 1973+, Hon. Fellow 1999; Chairman & Hon. Treasurer, Surrey Postal History Group
Note: Tony reported a forthcoming piece on the Le Puy hoard jointly with the late Peter Woodhead, from the papers of Jean Lafaurie, but that has not been located, cf. BNJ 86 (2016), 289. He regularly read Coin News, and might have published therein more than the one letter. R. H. Thompson
BNJ = British Numismatic Journal (British Numismatic Society)
BSFN = Bulletin de la Société française de Numismatique
NC = Numismatic Chronicle (Royal Numismatic Society)
NCirc = Numismatic Circular (Spink & Son Ltd)
SCMB = Seaby’s Coin & Medal Bulletin, Seaby Coin & Medal Bulletin (B. A. Seaby Ltd).
1971a Exhibitions: ‘Le Trésor des Pirates’, a series of uniface reproductions…, BNJ 40 (1971), 192.
1972a Exhibitions: ‘Anglo-Gallic…’; ‘Britanny [i.e. Brittany]…’, BNJ 41 (1972), 207.
1974a Exhibitions: ‘French feudal coins attributed to Nicholas Briot’, BNJ 44 (1974), 94.
1974b ‘The Crondall hoard, 1828’, Quarterly Newsletter—Farnham Museum Society, 3 no. 9 (March 1974), 17-20; see also 1977f.
1974c ‘A preliminary note on the Farnham seventeenth-century traders’ tokens’, Quarterly Newsletter—Farnham Museum Society, 3 no. 10 (June 1974), 18-19.
1974d ‘Neatham –a link with Rome: the restoration of the Temple of Divus Augustus’, ibid. 20-21: illus.
1975a Exhibitions: ‘Twelve jettons…’, BNJ 45 (1975), 112.
1975b Exhibitions: ‘Reproduction of a medal struck… France in 1451’, BNJ 45 (1975), 115.
1975c ‘A curious aspect of monetary history: the use of Roman coins in later ages’, SCMB no. 680 (April 1975), 115-17.
1975d ‘Noah’s Ark on coins’, SCMB no. 679 (March 1975), 77-78. See also 1976a.
1975e ‘Un gros de Jean IV de Bretagne’, BSFN 30 no. 9 (Nov. 1975), 837 fig. B, 839-40.
1975f ‘Emissions de liards sous Louis XIV’, BSFN 30 no. 9 (Nov. 1975), 840-41.
1976a ‘More Noah’s Arks on coins’, SCMB no. 690 (Feb. 1976), 45-46. Cf. 1975d.
1976b [A find of clippings in Farnham Park], Farnham Herald, 25 June 1976. [See also 1977d, 1979a].
1976c ‘John Pinkerton’, SCMB no. 699 (Nov. 1976), 421-23.
1976d ‘Local numismatics [of Farnham]’, SCMB no. 700 (Dec. 1976), 470-74: illus.
1977a-b Exhibitions: ‘Two medals, 1. By Paget, 1928; 2. Possibly by P. Metcalfe, 1930’, BNJ 47 (1977), 160.
1977c ‘Two groats of Edward III with altered dies’, BNJ 47 (1977), 159-60.
1977d ‘Farnham, Surrey, England, 1976’, Coin Hoards 3 (1977), 134, no. 346. [See also 1976b, 1979a].
1977e [1625 list of documents in the Bailiffs’ Accounts], Quarterly Newsletter—Farnham & District Museum Society, 4 no. 10 (June 1977), p. 193.
1977f ‘The Crondall hoard—1828’, SCMB no. 705 (May 1977), 173-7; reprinted from 1974b with an appendix.
1977g-h ‘Plus ça change’, SCMB no. 711 (Nov. 1977), 388-90; no. 712 (Dec. 1977), 424-25.
1978a Exhibitions: ‘A medallion of Sir Isaac Newton’, BNJ 48 (1978), 143.
1978b ‘The coinage of France in the Middle Ages’, Newsletter—London Numismatic Club, 6 no. 14 (July 1978), 305-11.
1978c-d ‘”Wellington’s mint”: coinage and the Peninsular War’, SCMB no. 721 (Sep. 1978), 272-74; no. 722 (Oct. 1978), 302-05.
1979a-b ‘A small hoard of clippings from Farnham Park, [and], Alderwasley, Derbys.’, BNJ 49 (1979), 127-28. [See also 1976b, 1977d].
1979c ‘A Tudor brass on the tomb of an auditor…’, BNJ 49 (1979), 140.
1979d Exhibitions: ‘The 25th Anniversary medal of Southampton Numismatic Society’, BNJ 49 (1979), 141.
1979e ‘Farnham, Middle Church Lane: …the coin weight’, Quarterly Newsletter—Farnham & District Museum Society, 5 no. 6 (June 1979), 104-06: illus.
1979f ‘A borough inventory of 1662’, Quarterly Newsletter—Farnham & District Museum Society, 5 no. 7 (Sept. 1979), 136-37.
1979g ‘A vieil heaume d’or of Louis de Maele of Flanders in copper?’, NCirc 87 (1979), 292.
1979h ‘A bronze medal of the London Institution’, NCirc 87 (1979), 500-01.
1979i ‘Louis XVIII 1815R 20 francs’, SCMB no. 733 (Sep. 1979), 293 (Letters to the editor, from the press, etc.).
1980a ‘Material for the study of seventeenth-century Farnham: Harley MS 6166, art. 35, ff. 119-120’, Quarterly Newsletter—Farnham & District Museum Society, 5 no. 11 (Sept. 1980), 8-10: illus.
1980b ‘Here we go round to Mabberley’s “Bush”? : notes on a Farnham seventeenth-century token issuer’, Quarterly Newsletter—Farnham & District Museum Society, 5 no. 11 (Sept. 1980), 229-37.
1982a ‘Excavations at Park Row, Farnham, Surrey: the coin’, Surrey Archaeological Collections, 73 (1982), 112.
1982b ‘Lead tokens: an introduction’, Quarterly Newsletter—Farnham & District Museum Society, 6 no. 7 (Sept. 1982), 151-52.
1983a ‘The history, architecture and archaeology of Johnson’s Corner, Alton: the coins and tokens’, Proceedings of the Hampshire Field Club and Archaeological Society, 39 (1983), frames 50-51; summary, p. 104.
1984a ‘Un monnayage anglo-breton au XIVe siècle?’, BSFN 39 no. 6 (juin 1984: Journées Numismatiques, Le Havre), 508-11: illus.
1986a ‘Quelques monnaies rares de Châteaudun et de Vendôme’, BSFN 41 no. 6 (juin 1986: Journées Numismatiques, Châteaudun), 66-67: illus.
1990a ‘The coins and tokens from Borelli Yard’, in: Excavations at Borelli Yard, Farnham, Surrey, 1985-86, [by] Nicholas Riall & Valerie Shelton-Bunn [Farnham, 1990], pp. 31-34.
1990b-c ‘Dr G. C. Williamson and Guildford’, SCMB no. 851 (June 1990), 137-39; 852 (July/Aug 1990), 165-68.
1992a ‘Le piéfort au Moyen-Age: nouveaux piéforts de deniers tournois de Saint Louis et d’Eudes IV de Bourgogne’, BSFN 47 (Sept. 1992), 393-95.
1997a-b The Gros Tournois: proceedings of the fourteenth Oxford symposium on coinage and monetary history, ed. N. J. Mayhew (Oxford: Ashmolean Museum in association with Royal Numismatic Society and Société française de Numismatique). Partial contents:
-R. A. Merson, ‘The silver mailles of Philip III (1270-1285) and Philip IV (1285-1314) of France’, pp. 399-419;
-R. A. Merson, ‘Gros tournois: a bibliography’, pp. 467-516.
1997c ‘Une monnaie rare retrouvée: le denier à la tête dite “chinonaise” ou anépigraphique (PA 212) à attribuer à Nantes, Xe siècle’, BSFN 52 no. 6 (juin 1997: Journées Numismatiques, Tours), 122-23.
1997d ‘Deux deniers rares ou inédits de Richard I, duc de Normandie (942-996)’ [par] Merson (R. A.), Woodhead (P.), BSFN 52 no. 6 (juin 1997), 123-25: illus.
1997e ‘A propos du tournois d’or à la croix (écu d’or de Saint Louis)’, [par] Bompaire (M.), Merson (R. A.), BSFN 52 no. 6 (juin 1997), 125-27.
1997f ‘Fragment d’une trouvaille de guénars tardifs de Charles VI (1380-1422)’, BSFN 52 no. 6 (juin 1997), 157-59: illus.
1998 ‘Gros tournois et mailles tierces: essai de classification’, BSFN 53 no. 6 (juin 1998: Journées Numismatiques, Laon), 134-39.
1999a ‘Binding question’, Coin News, 36 no. 7 (July 1999), 59 (Letters to the editor).
2001a-b Exhibitions: (1) ‘Medallion dated … 1833’; (2) ‘Royal Mint internal tokens’, BNJ 71 (2001), 213.
2002a-b Reviews: Marc Bompaire and Françoise Dumas, Numismatique Médiévale; Jean-Paul Divo, Numismatique de Murbach, NC 162 (2002), 453-54.
2002c Reviews: Roy S. Hanashiro, Thomas William Kinder & the Japanese Imperial Mint, 1868-1875, NC 162 (2002), 457-60.
2015 The London Mint of Constantius and Constantine, [by] Hubert J. Cloke & Lee Toone (London: Spink, 2015): R. A. Merson collection acknowledged, p. 244.